Monday, April 7, 2008


Yesterday we heard from AG General Superintendent George Wood. He focused on Christ's relationship with Simon Peter. Jesus helped form Peter's identity by calling him 'rock'. He had faith in Peter before Peter ever had faith in Him and molded him from an impulsive and vulnerable man to an obedient disciple, willing to learn. I think it's cool that Jesus calls us by what we are to become rather than what we are at present. My name is Anne, which means "full of grace". It is my intention to shed grace, knowing I am called by that name. Reverend Wood also encouraged us to help form the identities of others by calling them words of faith. Words are truly life changing.

John 1:40-42


Kara said...

If you want to be extra AG, refer to him as Brother Wood.


I wish you were coming with Bonnie!

becominggreek said...

great message... I listened to the podcast the other day